Fail-safe Methods to Pass a Drug Test in 2024 [1AjFMXUJHE] - Chapterone Child Care

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In this video, I'll tell you the proven methods on how to pass a urine drug test confidently. These methods are proven to work even for passing a drug test on short notice. Watch to find out. 💥💥💥Fast Marijuana Detox Kit(same day solution): 🥬🥬🥬 Green Fleets Premium 7-day THC Detox Kit (permanent detox): The first method is natural detoxification. This method works best for people who have enough time before their scheduled drug test. Natural detoxification permanently removes all the marijuana metabolites from your body and normally take more than a month. The second method is flushing. This method works in just 60 minutes, and the effects are only temporary. Using this method flushes marijuana metabolites out of your bladder, making your urine clean for several hours. Same day detox: It stops the breakdown of body fat and prevents the excretion of THC from the fat into the blood. It prevents the reabsorption of THC into the blood from the intestines. Slows the metabolism of THC in the liver, preventing it from getting into the urine. Makes you urinate, flushing THC from your bladder. It also restores the natural urine parameters and color so your sample will not be rejected as diluted. Here's what you need to do step by step; Four hours before the test, take 10g of activated charcoal. The activated charcoal will bind THC in the intestines and remove through a bowel movement, stopping the THC from reabsorbing back into the blood. Three hours before the test, mix creatine with grapefruit juice in a cup and drink it. This mixture will raise the creatinine levels in your urine back to their normal level. Grapefruit juice speeds the absorption of creatine and slows down the metabolism of THC in the liver. Then mix 25 oz of water with electrolyte powder and drink it every hour for 3 hours. The water will urge your body to go, which will flush the THC out of your bladder while the electrolytes help restore the natural specific gravity of the urine. Two hours before the test, take vitamin B and eat a chocolate bar or any other type of sweets. Vitamin b will restore the urine color, while the chocolate bar will stop the breakdown of body fat and the excretion of THC into the blood. If you'd like, you can substitute activated charcoal with Certo fruit pectin and the electrolyte powder with a Gatorade. Permanent detox: THC is stored in body fat and constantly moves from the fat into the blood and back again. Normally, it takes weeks to break down the fat cells and remove the THC from the body. Here is what you need to do to speed up this process : First, start as early as possible. You need at least one week before your drug test. The more time you have, the more THC you can remove from your body. Second, follow a healthy diet to help increase the breakdown of fat. Clean-Eating Meal Plan: Exercise at least 30 minutes daily. Researchers have confirmed that exercising helps burn body fat and detox from marijuana up to 2 times faster. Walking, running, or even weight lifting - you can choose any exercise that best suits you. Take activated charcoal 30 minutes before each meal. Activated charcoal will bind to the THC in the intestines and prevent its reabsorption back into the blood. Take St. John's Wort or Panax Ginseng or Ginkgo Biloba daily. These herbs are enzyme inducers and will increase the activity of enzymes that are responsible for processing THC in the liver. THC will then be processed and removed from the body faster. Follow these steps every day of your detox except the last 2 days. To make sure you pass the test, you need to change the routine in the last 2 days. First, stop exercising to prevent your body from breaking down body fat cells and releasing THC. Second, stop eating healthy. I know that sounds weird, but you need to stop the breakdown of body fat cells, so you need to provide your body with the excess calories. You can do that by adding a reasonable amount of carbs to your diet. Drinking a couple of cans of Coke, eating pasta, or having a couple of slices of pizza can help with the carb intake. Continue taking activated charcoal 30 minutes before each meal. Take milk thistle, it will slow the metabolism of THC in the liver, and less THC will end up in your urine. Test yourself on the morning of the drug test. 0:00 What you need to do to pass a drug test? 0:34 What is a natural detoxification 0:53 What is flushing 1:14 Using synthetic urine 1:26 Same day method to pass a drug test 4:08 How to detox for a drug test

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