Chapter One Childcare (UK) Limited
Terms and Conditions

I understand……
I play a huge role on the safe operating procedures of Chapter One Childcare (UK) Limited, and all measures being implemented are to ensure the safety of our families and staff teams.
A completed Childcare Placement Agreement and registration fee are required to secure your child’s place.
Registration Fee
The non-refundable registration fee of £100 covers administration and settling sessions.
Change of Placement Terms and Administrative Fee

  1. Initial Agreement and Confirmation: Upon agreeing to the terms and conditions of the nursery placement and receiving confirmation documents, the details of the child’s days of attendance and start date are considered final.
  2. Request for Changes: Should you wish to modify the agreed days of attendance or start date after confirmation documents have been issued, each request for change will be subject to an administrative fee of £10. This fee is imposed to cover the additional administrative expenses incurred by re-processing the necessary documents.
  3. Implementation of Changes: Changes to the days of attendance or start date will only be implemented once the administrative fee has been paid in full. These changes are subject to availability and approval by the nursery administrator.
  4. Notification and Agreement: All changes must be requested in writing and will not take effect until agreed upon by both parties, acknowledging the incurred administrative fee.
  5. Grace Period: We understand that circumstances can change, and to accommodate this, we offer a grace period of 6 weeks prior to the agreed start date, during which 1 change can be made without incurring an administrative fee. Any changes requested after this period, or any additional changes will be subject to the stipulated administrative fee.
  6. Acceptance of Terms: By agreeing to the terms and conditions, including this clause, you acknowledge and consent to the imposition of an administrative fee for any requested changes to the placement agreement as detailed above.


Payment of Childcare Fees –

  • Monthly Payments: Childcare fees are due monthly, in advance, for each calendar month.
  • Methods of Payment: Preferred payment is through Famly Pay via the nursery app. Childcare vouchers and HMRC TAX FREE CHILDCARE are also accepted.
  • Invoicing: Invoices are issued in the week before each month starts and are due by the 5th of that month.
  • Late Payment Fees: A £25 charge applies to payments outstanding after the 5th, unless arranged otherwise with the Nursery Manager. Continuous outstanding balances attract a 3% monthly surcharge until cleared.
  • Non-Payment Consequences: Unpaid fees after the 5th risk child’s nursery place withdrawal, Cancelled and Returned payments incur a £25 administration charge.
  • Discounts: A sibling discount applies to the eldest child’s fees when attending jointly. Discounts apply only to core childcare for children attending five or more fully paid sessions, excluding extra sessions, lunches, funded sessions, and other services.
  • Extra Sessions and Activities: Fees for extra sessions and activities are payable with monthly fees through Famly Pay.
  • Refund Policy: Fees are non-refundable, regardless of child’s attendance, including for sickness, holidays, or unavoidable nursery closures. Variations in monthly childcare days are possible, with closures between Christmas and New Year considered in fee calculations.
  • Late Collection Charges: Late collections, if notified on a one-off occasion, may incur standard hourly rates. Unnotified late collections are charged at £10 per quarter hour. If continuous late collection occurs, the nursery is within its rights to arrange for either a different pattern of attendance or change to the hours of attendance allowing amble time for collection within the staffed session times.
  • Default on Payment: In case of payment default, a £75 administrative fee for court papers preparation applies, plus interest at 7% above the bank’s base rate. The nursery is not responsible for fee collection from third parties, except for statutory funding allowances.
  • Fee Increase Notice: Parents/carers receive two months’ notice for any fee increases.


Nursery Business Hours
Shawfair, The Country Park Nursery and Treetops: 7:30 am– 6.00pm, Monday to Thursday.
Kirk Brae: 8:00 – 6pm, Monday to Friday
Farnley: 7:30 – 6pm, Monday to Friday
Farnley Treetops: 7:30 – 6pm Monday to Thursday

Nursery Closure dates
The nursery closes at 1pm on Christmas Eve and re-opens the first working day in January.
Farnley and Farnley Treetops is closed on Bank holidays.


Famly – Nursery Management System
Chapter One Childcare (UK) Limited – Use a nursery management system called Famly.
As part of your placement agreement with Chapter One Childcare (UK) Limited you agree to the full use of this system and understand it is your responsibility to ensure the information regarding yourself and your child is always up-to-date and accurate.
The Nursery will not be held responsible for any actions taken due to inaccurate information from the parent/carer side on the system.
You will be sent login details and further information on how to use the system as part of your joining experience via the nursery administrator.
Click here to view an informative video Parents 🧸 : Your First Time Logging in to the App | Famly Help Centre

Termination, cancellation and change of sessions
One month’s notice in writing is required by either party for any change of sessions or termination of agreement. If parents choose to leave prior to the end of their notice, fees are non-refundable.
Please note if your child received Funded Early Learning and Childcare, the same notice period applies, and your funding end date will be submitted to the Local Authority in line with the 1 months’ notice period. Should the Local Authority start your new funded place within the notice period, we will no longer be able to claim for your funded sessions, therefore you will be liable for paying the fees of the 1 month notice period in full.

Local Authority Termtime 38-Week Placement Policy – Scotland only

  • Eligibility for Funding: Funding is not available for the period from the 1st of August until the start of the term in mid-August for those who have applied for a Local Authority termtime 38-week placement beginning in August.
  • Fee Payment Requirement: During this unfunded period, full payment of fees is required.

The minimum period for any permanent change of sessions is one month.
If the notified start date is changed by the parent, we reserve the right to charge from the original start date notified on the Placement Agreement form.
The nursery reserves the right to terminate the Agreement with immediate effect in case of non-payment of fees, or if a parent, carer or child displays abusive, threatening or otherwise inappropriate behaviour, or for any other reasonable cause.
Intimidation or abuse of our staff will not be tolerated and may result in immediate termination. In all other cases the standard notice period of one month will apply. Please read our Conflict Resolution with Parents and Aggressive Behaviour Policy for further information.

School Deferral – Extended Nursery Placement. – Scotland only
Children who turn 5 after the first day of term in August up to the end of February

Children who have their 5th birthday after the first day of term in August up to the 28th/29th February are entitled to defer entry to school should their parents wish it. These children will receive a funded ELC place in either a Midlothian Council or Funded Provider setting during that deferred year.
Deferred entry process for children who turn 5 after the first day of term in August up to the end of February.

Parents/carers of children whose birth dates fall after the first day of term in August and up to the end of February who wish their child to defer entry to primary school have an entitlement to an additional year of funded early learning and childcare for their child.
Please note, Parents/Legal Guardians must request an extended placement via the nursery administrator, without an extended agreement in place, the last day will be presumed to be the 31st of July in the year your child is eligible to start school. Following this discussion, if parents/carers still wish to defer their child, they must complete the deferral application form which should be requested from the nursery manager.

Parents/carers thinking about deferring their child’s Primary 1 entry may want to consider:

  •  A lot of emotional and social development can and will happen between the time parents/carers apply for a deferral and the start of primary school.
  • Schools and teachers focus on the needs of the child, not their age, whether they are in ELC or at school. Children are supported to progress through the Curriculum for Excellence at an appropriate rate. Children aged 3-5 in ELC settings and children in Primary one classroom, usually work within the Early Level of the Curriculum for Excellence.
  •  There has been a change in culture in schools over recent years, with a real focus on play and outdoor learning in many schools.


The nursery has extensive insurance cover for nursery-based activities and outings. Details of the insurance may be requested from the nursery manager. The Certificate is displayed in the nursery.

Personal property and belongings
The nursery cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to any parent’s, carers or child’s property or belongings. The nursery runs a “Label it” system, encouraging all our parents to label items belonging to their child. Every reasonable effort will be made by the nursery staff to ensure that property or belongings of any parent, carer or child is not damaged or lost however if it is not labelled, this significantly lowers the likelihood of it being returned to you. Please ensure your child’s clothing is clearly labelled and we suggest that all toys, books, and equipment are left at home where possible.
Child comforters are of course allowed, however please seek prior arrangement with your child’s key carer.

The nursery accepts no liability for any losses suffered by parents arising directly or indirectly, as a result of the nursery being temporarily closed or the non-admittance of your child to the nursery for any reason. We accept no responsibility for children whilst in their parent’s care on nursery premises. We will not be liable to parents and/or children for any economic loss of any kind, for damage to the child’s or parent’s property, for any loss resulting from a claim made by any third party or for any special, in-direct or consequential loss or damage of any kind.

Collection of Children

No child will be allowed to leave with anyone other than the parent/guardian unless prior notification is given to a senior member of staff by the parent/guardian themselves. In the case of an ‘on the day emergency collection’ a password will need to be issued to the nursery manager and the person collecting.

Any person collecting a child must be over the age of 16, as well as prior consent given.


It is a legal requirement on the nursery to hold information about the children using the nursery and the staff. Basic information is used for registers, invoices and for emergency contacts, however, all records will be stored in a secured location.

The staff through their close relationships with both the children and their parents may learn more about the families. All staff are aware that this information is confidential and only for use within the nursery setting. All staff sign a confidentiality declaration. If any of this information is requested for whatever reason, the parent’s permission will always be sought.

If however, a child is considered at risk our child protection policy will override confidentiality.

Social Media Platforms

Whilst the nursery uses social media for communication and marketing purposes, all parents must use the Famly app or Email/Telephone to communicate with the nursery setting only.
Social Media Messages will not be responded to.

At no point must a Parent/carer request a social media friendship with any staff members.
If you have a prior relationship with a staff member, please make this known to your nursery manager prior to your placement commencing.

Chapter One Childcare (UK) Limited takes no responsibility for a staff members personal online views and/ or opinions expressed are solely their own and do not express the views or opinions of Chapter One Childcare (UK) Limited.

Data Protection Act 2018

The Data Protection Act 2018 (GDPR) ensures that data held about children must only be used for specific purposes allowed by law. The following organisations all process information on children and pupils to help administer education and children’s services: –

  • Early Years settings
  • Schools
  • The Secretary of State for Education
  • The Government departments which deal with education and children’s services
  • Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector for Schools
  • The National Assessment Agency
  • NHS Services
  • The Care Inspectorate
  • Local Authority Partnerships – Funding.

The Nursery holds information on children in order to support their development, to monitor their progress, to provide appropriate care and to assess how well the setting as a whole is doing. This information includes contact details, attendance information, characteristics such as ethnic group, special educational needs and any relevant medical information. From time to time we may be asked to pass on some of this data to agencies that are prescribed by law, such as HMI and Local Authority.

We as a provider of Early Years Education to your child have issued this notice to explain how information about your child is held and what it is used for. We are telling you as a parent to ensure we comply with the law and your rights under the Data Protection Act are protected.

There are many reasons why your child may not attend nursery on any given day, please see your handbook for a copy of our Illness Exclusions list.

The nursery follows Care Inspectorate requirements in conjunction with our Child Protection Policy document on managing absence from nursery.

Should your child be absent due to illness or last-minute arrangements, parents must contact the nursery to advise via the Famly app. We would ask that notifications are received no later than 10 am for morning or day attendances and 2pm for afternoon attendances. Should we not hear by these times the Nursery Manager or senior member of staff will be required to contact you via the Famly App, if this is unsuccessful, we will then contact you on your work, home, or mobile telephone number.

Child protection

Our prime responsibility is the welfare and well-being of all children in our care. As such we believe we have a duty to the children, parents/carers and staff to act quickly and responsibly in any instance that may come to our attention. The nursery will follow the procedure set out in the Local Authority Child Protection Documents and as such will seek their advice on all steps taken subsequently.

Policies and Procedures

Policies and Procedures which govern the way the nursery operates are available for parents to see. Chapter One Childcare will care for children in line with these documents and under the terms and conditions of registration.
Should parents wish copies of any policy listed then please request this from the Nursery Manager

Nursery Exclusion
To operate safely, effectively and to reduce the risk to our staff, children and other adults associated we ask that you follow and agree to the following new terms and conditions. Failure to follow these may result in your child being unable to attend our setting.

I Understand…

  • I should not enter the building if I have an illness which requires an exclusion period (in line with the nursery exclusion table) for the welfare of the children and staff.
  • Only parents who are symptom free and or have completed the required isolation periods will be able to drop off or collect their child.


Pain Medication
I understand that I must not give my child any Ibuprofen or Paracetamol within 4 hours of attending nursery as this can mask Symptoms of being unwell. I Understand that if I have given my child either of these, my child will NOT be able to attend until 4 hours have passed as a minimum and they are well enough to attend.

If there are extenuating circumstances such as “a broken limb” I will speak with the nursery manager to make arrangement for continued care where possible.

This documentation forms part of the nursery placement agreement

Agreement Clause This Agreement, including these Terms and Conditions, represents the complete understanding between parents (and carers) and the nursery. All other understandings, agreements, warranties, conditions, terms, and representations, whether verbal or written, are excluded as allowed by law. We may update or amend these Terms and Conditions at any time, and we will provide one month’s notice of any changes.

I/We have read and understand these Terms and Conditions and agree to be bound by them with effect from the date of permission acceptance.

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